July 2014 Newsletter
I hope you have all been enjoying the lovely early summer. I have been very busy working on all sorts of projects, but have managed to spend much of what spare time I have had enjoying the abundance of our amazing pond. It has only been full of water and planted up since this time last year, and I just can’t believe the amount of life that has found its way here. As well as all the insect life and amphibians, we have had new birds, including wagtails and goldfinches, coming to drink and bathe at the edges, and last weekend we witnessed a grass snake eating a frog! It’s so completely fascinating - I love it! And my new living dome in the front garden means that I can work outside on my laptop whilst enjoying beautiful days like this. The new growth already does a great job of keeping the sun off the screen – perfect!

There has been loads going on since I last wrote, with the continuation of the big project in Wisbech (you can see the latest write up from the Wisbech Standard here), lots of workshops, and some work in Hertfordshire Basketry’s ‘Turning Ten’ exhibition . However, the main focus of today’s email will be my upcoming Open Studios. (Your invitation to the private view next Friday is attached). This year there will be loads of artists taking part in the Cambridge Open Studios scheme, and I was lucky enough to one of the participants chosen to be interviewed in the run up. If you’d like to have a look at the article (there are loads of lovely pictures) then you can see it here.
This year I will be opening for the middle 2 weekends (12th/13th and 19th/20th July - 11am-6pm each day) and Heidi Bentley will be joining me,exhibiting her jewellery (she will be demonstrating too!) You can see plenty of fab pics of her work on her website.
Whilst there won’t be as much wine flowing as at the private view, there will be plenty of tea and biscuits, soft drinks and snacks, ample opportunity to amble round the garden (which is looking pretty lush and lovely at the moment), see the pond in its full glory, and our wonderful new outdoor undercover workshop space and living dome, find out about courses for the rest of the year, and time just chat of course. I will be demonstrating and also selling willow, as I’ve now worked out what I need to keep me going until next year’s harvest. .
And if you need any more incentives, I have Open Studios Brochures and can direct you to other interesting people to visit – there are several more in our area than there were last year. You can also look for other Open Studios online.
So……if you do fancy dropping in at any time (we are open 11am-6pm) over those two weekends then it will be lovely to see you.
Hope you can come!
Warm wishes,